Monday, November 21, 2011

Baby # 3's nursery moodboards

We can't wait to find out what we're having!! I'll be about 20 weeks mid February so we'll have an ultrasound around then.

With two boys already it would be so much fun to have a girl but on the other hand....I LOVE having boys!

If it's another boy we'll go in this direction, using mostly what we already have:
nursery for baby boy

Originally I was going to do (almost) the same thing if it is a this:
nusery #1 for baby girl

I'd make a crib sheet out of this otomi fabric:

But I just happened to glance at the cover of Decor magazine while at Home Depot this weekend and saw this dining room.

I love the jade green and orange color combo! It got me thinking........... my Dad just so happens to be an AMAZING artist and could totally hand paint a mural similar to that wallpaper!

So here is option # 2 if we have a girl:
nursery # 2 for baby girl
