Saturday, December 3, 2011

Down but not Out

This pregnancy is kicking my butt! I have been SO sick for over a month now, my morning/noon/night sickness has been so excessive I've been put on a prescription. Some days are great and I don't have to take the meds.......others are really, REALLY rough!

Besides all that, we've had a rough couple of weeks from family stuff to furnace problems, etc.

But God is good through it all!!  

Needless to say the ol' blog is last on a LONG list of things I need to do, so naturally it's taken a hit. I'll post when I can, right now I'm trying to get our hallway painted before my brother and his wife come to visit for Christmas.....among other things.   ;)

So, here are some Pinterest pretties to hold you over until I get a real post up....thanks for hanging in there!!!!