Monday, May 21, 2012

Craigslist finds

Finding good stuff on my local Craigslist is really hard. Usually it's a LOT of bad (log furniture, southwestern living room sets and tons of particle board "furniture") but sometimes there is some good (although not very often in our city).

I got this china cabinet for $12, it was avocado green but in great condition! (It will also be getting a spiffy makeover very stay tuned!)

Here is some more of the good...................

Black lacquer china cabinets with mirror backs $400 for both, I have to say these are pretty awesome!

Antique couch $200, great lines and decent upholstery. I'd talk them down if I was planning on reupholstering it though.

Vintage rockers in pristine condition $125 each. How amazing would one of these be in a nursery!?!?!

Chrome and glass shelving unit $125....LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pair of chairs $54, someone PLEASE buy these, they are fabulous!!!

And probably the best deal of the day..............

Glass and Brass table w/four chairs- $100 and I bet you could talk them down to $75. If I lived in Bozeman I'd snatch these up in a heartbeart!

The one good thing about my local Craigslist is that not many people want pieces like these so when they do come along in Great Falls I can usually snag them pretty quickly for pretty cheap!

Have you found any goodies on Craigslist lately??