This year went by way, WAY too fast! Looking through pictures from the last year mad me cry tonight.
When Jude was born he had respiratory problems. I got to hold him for 5 minutes before he was taken to the nursery, where he would stay on oxygen for three days. When he was able to breathe on his own we were moved to the Pediatrics floor for light therapy because he was jaundiced.
After a 5 day hospital stay we were finally able to go home. Two weeks later however he was back in the hospital with a severe case of RSV.
He couldn't latch on so I was unable to nurse, instead I pumped and bottle fed him for 9 weeks. (Which was as long as my milk supply could keep up with his appetite.) : )
With all of the stress of him being sick we were so relieved when he turned one! We had made it through the really hard part!! It meant he was no longer this fragile baby we worried about all the time, he was a toddler now and a sturdy one at that. ; )
Having a healthy newborn the second time around was such an amazing blessing! We didn't worry all the time, our family seemed more complete-having two kids was effortless (most days), Jude LOVED his "baby" (so much so that he still refers to Phin as such), I was able to nurse him exclusively for 6 months and amazingly, we had FUN!! As I said before this year has gone by too fast but I am so thankful for it!!!!
Phinehas Isaiah
Born at 3:43am June 2nd 2010
9 pounds and 21 inches long
Two days old
3 1/2 months old
One year old (at my brothers wedding last weekend)
He's seriously the happiest baby ever!
Phin you have been such a huge blessing and source of joy for our family, we love you so much!!!!
Happy Birthday!!
*All pictures by Caroline Madsen Photography.
An extremely talented photographer who just so happens to my Aunt! If you are in North Central MT and looking for a photographer E-mail me for info, she's the BEST!!!
*Oh and for those of you who know who Phinehas was in the Bible (One of Eli's evil sons) he is not named after that one. Read Numbers 25 : )
I just had to throw in this photo of Jude from the wedding,(also by Caroline
Madsen Photography) because I love it! He's never without one of his trains!