Friday, June 24, 2011

What Lies Beneath

Did anyone else out there see that movie? My friend McKenzie and I used to watch it all the time in high school...scared me silly! Anyway, this post is not about super creepy Harrison Ford but what lies beneath our multicolored carpet. The master has navy/eggplant carpet, Judes is pink and Phins is navy. One of the first things that I did on Sunday when we moved in, besides clean like Adrian Monk (yes it was THAT gross!!), was rip up a small section of carpet in our closet.
Guess what I found? Drumroll please................B-E-A-UTIFUL original oak hardwoods!!!
So, 24 hours after moving into our house we ripped up the carpet in our bedroom. Didn't I tell you mu hubby's the best??! I was ecstatic because they are in REALLY good condition! Here is a shot of the Master bedroom before (with previous owners furnishings...yikes.) 
                                                               And, after!!

YAY!!!! Tomorrow we will be doing both of the boys' rooms. And yes I will be tackling that wallpaper situation soon.....hopefully.  One step at a time.............