Monday, May 21, 2012

Recovery and Isaac's Nursery Plans

Well, we are home (we got home about 12:30pm yesterday after his surgery at 9:30am) and Jude is doing great! If you prayed for us yesterday morning thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! I was very worried about how he was going to react to being taken back to the OR by himself but he did wonderful! It was a little rough after he woke up until the meds kicked in but let me just say that he is a TROOPER! They didn't use any local anesthesia for the procedure, just the gas to knock him out and then regular old tylenol.  He was pretty sore yesterday but did really well with just the tylenol. Since it was such a minor procedure it should heal very quickly in the next 2-3 days. This morning he woke up his happy, cheery self.

 God is good!!!!

So beyond recovery for Jude there is lots going on around our house, including cleaning up the nursery and getting it ready for new paint.

Baby boy # 3, Isaac Asher is due at the end of June, that sounds so far off but it's not!  I have about three and a half months before I won't be able to see my feet anymore to get prepared for his arrival.

Here are the updated plans for his nursery.

Baby boy # 3 Nursery

I will be using the same curtains, slipcovered chair, nesting tables, neutral area rug and dresser (have to paint it) that are already in the room, along with the same layout.

The crib that I decided on, thanks for your help by the way, is this one:

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

I may get this under the crib storage drawer.......

 ......with some paint and new hardware it would look like this gorgeous, Dorothy Draper inspired (and very expensive) crib.

I have fabric to make a spotted crib sheet like the one above. I also have the same round vinyl ottoman as on the moddboard, but mine is emerald green.

Above the crib I'm planning on hanging this cheeky print from Urban Outfitters.

Along the other wall above the dresser I'm thinking about hanging three long mirrors this.

I pre-ordered this rug from Urban Outfitters and I'm so excited to see it in person, layered over the other rug. It ships on March 8th, I can't wait!

I found the tripod lamp base at Target on sale so I snatched it up. I love how masculine it is...kind of makes me want to steal it for somewhere else in the house! :)

I'll post pictures when I get some of these projects done.....crazy to think that Isaac will be here in four months! I can't wait to meet him!!